Results for 'Benedict Christopher Jones'

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  1.  37
    Comment: Alternatives to Wood et al.’s Conclusions.Benedict Christopher Jones - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (3):254-256.
    Wood, Kressel, Joshi, and Louie report that published, but not unpublished, studies of masculinity, dominance, symmetry, and health preferences show significant overall effects of cycle phase. They interpret this as evidence that reports of cyclic shifts in mate preferences are artifacts of publication bias. I will first discuss why these conclusions do not necessarily follow straightforwardly from their results. I will then discuss their findings for health preferences specifically, concluding that their dismissal of a significant overall effect of cycle phase (...)
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  2. A 61-million-person experiment in social influence and political mobilization.Robert Bond, Christopher Fariss, Jason Jones, Adam Kramer, Cameron Marlow, Jaime Settle & James Fowler - 2012 - Nature 489 (7415):295–8.
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  3. The body as laboratory: Prediction-error minimization, embodiment, and representation.Christopher Burr & Max Jones - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):586-600.
    In his paper, Jakob Hohwy outlines a theory of the brain as an organ for prediction-error minimization, which he claims has the potential to profoundly alter our understanding of mind and cognition. One manner in which our understanding of the mind is altered, according to PEM, stems from the neurocentric conception of the mind that falls out of the framework, which portrays the mind as “inferentially-secluded” from its environment. This in turn leads Hohwy to reject certain theses of embodied cognition. (...)
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    Present-day Ethics in Their Relations to the Spiritual Life, Being Te Deem Lectures Delivered in 1913 at New York University. Translated by Margaret Von Legdewitz.Rudolf Christoph Eucken, William Tudor Jones & Margaret von Seydewitz - 1913 - New York,: G. P. Putnam's sons. Edited by Margaret von Seydewitz & W. Tudor Jones.
    The ethical problem in the present time.--The ethical principle.--A defence of the ethical principle.--Evolution of the ethical principle.--Morality and religion.--The present status of morality.
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    Organisational Justice: A Senian Perspective.Bernadine Gramberg, Christopher Selvarajah, Robert Jones & Samir Shrivastava - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):99-116.
    In this paper, we draw inferences from the Nobel laureate Amartya Sen’s book, The Idea of Justice to inform the organisational justice literature. The extant societal-level theories of justice tend to emphasise aspects that are analogous to either the procedural or distributive dimensions of organisational justice. The Senian idea of comprehensive justice is different in that it synthesises the procedural- and distributive-related dimensions at the societal-level. We theorise that the Senian notion could be applied at the organisational-level to facilitate outcomes (...)
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    The Truth of Religion.Rudolf Christoph Eucken & William Tudor Jones - 1911 - London: Williams and Norgate,: G.P. Putnam's Sons;. Edited by W. Tudor Jones.
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    Spinoza's Neuentdeckter Tractat Von Gott, Dem Menschen Und Dessen Glückseligkeit.Christoph Sigwart & Benedict Spinoza - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Ethics of HIV cure research: an unfinished agenda. [REVIEW]Jeremy Sugarman, John A. Sauceda, Brandon Brown, Parya Saberi, Mallory O. Johnson, Laney Henley, Samuel Ndukwe, Hursch Patel, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Danielle M. Campbell, David Palm, Orbit Clanton, David Kelly, Jan Kosmyna, Michael Louella, Laurie Sylla, Christopher Roebuck, Nora Jones, Lynda Dee, Jeff Taylor, John Kanazawa & Karine Dubé - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundThe pursuit of a cure for HIV is a high priority for researchers, funding agencies, governments and people living with HIV (PLWH). To date, over 250 biomedical studies worldwide are or have been related to discovering a safe, effective, and scalable HIV cure, most of which are early translational research and experimental medicine. As HIV cure research increases, it is critical to identify and address the ethical challenges posed by this research.MethodsWe conducted a scoping review of the growing HIV cure (...)
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    Political philosophy in Japan: Nishida, the Kyoto School and co-prosperity.Christopher S. Goto-Jones - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Nishida Kitaro, originator of the Kyoto School and 'father of Japanese Philosophy' is usually viewed as an essentially apolitical thinker who underwent a 'turn' in the mid-1930s, becoming an ideologue of Japanese imperialism. Political Philosophy in Japan challenges the view that a neat distinction can be drawn between Nishida's apolitical 'pre-turn' writings and the apparently ideological tracts he produced during the war years. In the context of Japanese intellectual traditions, this book suggests that Nishida was a political thinker form the (...)
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  10. La personne âgée « assistée technologiquement »: quels défis éthiques?Bryn Williams-Jones, Nathalie Bier, Vincent Rialle, Abdelaziz Djellal, Miguel Jean & Christophe Brissonneau - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 2 (5):171-183.
    Dans notre société de plus en plus digitalisée, avons-nous vraiment le choix d’adopter ou non les technologies? Comment cette digitalisation impacte-t-elle les personnes âgées en particulier et son écosystème? Quels sont les enjeux éthiques soulevés par cette digitalisation? Ce texte vise à amener des éléments de réflexions en lien avec ces enjeux selon le point de vue de divers experts des domaines de la technologie, du vieillissement et de la bioéthique. Ces experts se sont rencontrés lors d’un symposium ayant eu (...)
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  11.  25
    The evolution of multispecies populations: a multilevel selection perspective.Christopher H. Lean & Christopher J. Jones - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (5):1-24.
    Two or more independent species lineages can fuse through an evolutionary transition to form a single lineage, such as in the case of eukaryotic cells, lichens, and coral. The fusion of two or more independent lineages requires intermediary steps of increasing selective interdependence between these lineages. We argue a precursory selective regime of such a transition can be Multilevel Selection 1 (MLS1). We propose that intraspecies MLS1 can be extended to ecological multispecies arrangements. We develop a trait group selection (MLS1) (...)
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  12. Re-politicising the Kyoto school as philosophy.Christopher S. Goto-Jones (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    The essays in this book take a new approach to the subject, engaging substantially with the philosophical texts of members of the Kyoto School, and ...
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  13.  19
    Themistius after the Death of Julian.Christopher Jones - 2010 - História 59 (4):501-506.
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  14.  24
    A forgotten sophist.Christopher P. Jones - 2007 - Classical Quarterly 57 (01):328-.
  15.  36
    Ethics and politics in the early Nishida: Reconsidering.Christopher S. Jones - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (4).
    : The early Nishida has conventionally been seen as an apolitical thinker, concerned primarily with religious philosophy. In itself this constitutes a political reading of Nishida's work, since it represents an attempt to distance (and thus "save") his wider philosophy from his dubious political practice during the 1930s and 1940s. However, a fresh reading of Nishida's debut, Zen no kenkyu (An inquiry into the good), reveals a distinctive political agenda and a sophisticated philosophy of political ethics. Counterintuitively, this essay suggests (...)
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    Non-Bayesian Inference: Causal Structure Trumps Correlation.Bénédicte Bes, Steven Sloman, Christopher G. Lucas & Éric Raufaste - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1178-1203.
    The study tests the hypothesis that conditional probability judgments can be influenced by causal links between the target event and the evidence even when the statistical relations among variables are held constant. Three experiments varied the causal structure relating three variables and found that (a) the target event was perceived as more probable when it was linked to evidence by a causal chain than when both variables shared a common cause; (b) predictive chains in which evidence is a cause of (...)
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  17.  25
    A monument from Sinope: (plate VIa).Christopher P. Jones - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:193-194.
  18.  28
    Envisioning the cenobium in the Old English Guthlac A.Christopher A. Jones - 1995 - Mediaeval Studies 57 (1):259-291.
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  19. Experts sous influence? Quand la non-divulgation des conflits d’intérêts met à risque la confiance du public.Bryn Williams-Jones, Jean-Christophe Bélisle Pipon, Louise Ringuette, Anne-Isabelle Cloutier & Victoria Doudenkova - 2016 - In Christian Hervé, Michèle Stanton Jean & Marie France Mamzer (eds.), Autour de l’intégrité scientifique, la loyauté, et la probité: aspects clinique, éthiques et juridiques. Dalloz. pp. 27-44.
    L’érosion actuelle de la confiance du public envers les campagnes de vaccination et les décisions de politiques publiques qui y sont associées, aggravée par des scandales comme ceux relatifs à la pandémie H1N1 et l’utilisation du Tamiflu™, risque de diminuer de façon significative l’efficacité de ces interventions importantes pour la santé publique. Un manque de confiance de la population envers les acteurs de santé publique peut conduire à une méfiance accrue face aux interventions, pouvant ainsi compromettre l’atteinte des objectifs recherchés (...)
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  20.  22
    Understanding Contextual Spillover: Using Identity Process Theory as a Lens for Analyzing Behavioral Responses to a Workplace Dietary Choice Intervention.Caroline Verfuerth, Christopher R. Jones, Diana Gregory-Smith & Caroline Oates - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:422908.
    Spillover occurs when one environmentally sustainable behaviour leads to another, often initiated by a behaviour change intervention. A number of studies have investigated positive and negative spillover effects, but empirical evidence is mixed, showing evidence for both positive and negative spillover effects, and lack of spillover altogether. Environmental identity has been identified as an influential factor for spillover effects. Building on identity process theory the current framework proposes that positive, negative, and a lack of spillover are determined by perceived threat (...)
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  21.  77
    The fuzziness of “paganism”.Christopher P. Jones - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (2):249-254.
    The subject of “the last pagans” or “the end of paganism” in the Greco-Roman world has interested scholars for over a century but begs the question “What is paganism?” Is the term usable as a tool of analysis? It originates from the Latin paganus, meaning “villager,” “rustic,” and reflects the way that Latin speakers viewed early Christianity as a phenomenon of the countryside, much as the English heathen, or German Heide, derives from a root meaning “heath.” Greek-speaking Christians, by contrast, (...)
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  22.  10
    Zen and the Modern World: a Third Sequel to Zen and Western Thought. Masao Abe and Steven Heine.Christopher H. Jones - 2005 - Buddhist Studies Review 22 (1):78-83.
    Zen and the Modern World: a Third Sequel to Zen and Western Thought. Masao Abe and Steven Heine. xvi, 169 pp. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i, Press 2003. £23.50. ISBN 0824826655.
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  23. Mary Kate mcgowan/privileging properties 1–23 Crawford L. elder/the problem of harmonizing laws 25–41 Gary ebbs/is skepticism about self-knowledge coherent? 43–58 David braun/russellianism and prediction 59–105. [REVIEW]Christopher L. Stephens, Janine Jones & What Could Turn Out - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 105:309-310.
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  24. Crime, wellbeing and society : reflections on social, 'anti-social' and 'restorative' capital.Christopher Jones - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman (eds.), The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
  25.  36
    Cross-Cultural and Site-Based Influences on Demographic, Well-being, and Social Network Predictors of Risk Perception in Hazard and Disaster Settings in Ecuador and Mexico.Eric C. Jones, Albert J. Faas, Arthur D. Murphy, Graham A. Tobin, Linda M. Whiteford & Christopher McCarty - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (1):5-32.
    Although virtually all comparative research about risk perception focuses on which hazards are of concern to people in different culture groups, much can be gained by focusing on predictors of levels of risk perception in various countries and places. In this case, we examine standard and novel predictors of risk perception in seven sites among communities affected by a flood in Mexico (one site) and volcanic eruptions in Mexico (one site) and Ecuador (five sites). We conducted more than 450 interviews (...)
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    An epigram on Apollonius of Tyana: plate Ib.Christopher P. Jones - 1980 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 100:190-194.
  27. volume II. Consciousness-based education.Volume Editor & Christopher Jones - 2011 - In Dara Llewellyn & Craig Pearson (eds.), Consciousness-based education: a foundation for teaching and learning in the academic disciplines. Fairfield, Iowa 52557: Consciousness-Based Books, Maharishi University of Management.
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    A speech of the Emperor Hadrian.Christopher P. Jones - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (1):266-273.
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    Eastern "Alimenta" and an inscription of Attaleia.Christopher P. Jones - 1989 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 109:189-191.
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    Universities, the Humanities and Civic Life, c.1880–1930: A Pilot Study of the Manchester School of History.Stuart Jones & Christopher Godden - 2015 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 91 (1):113-114.
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  31.  18
    Claudia Horst, Marc Aurel. Philosophie und politische Macht zur Zeit der Zweiten Sophistik.Christopher P. Jones - 2015 - Klio 97 (2):819-821.
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    Editorial: Methodological, Theoretical and Applied Advances in Behavioral Spillover.Christopher R. Jones, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Katarzyna Byrka, Stuart Capstick, Amanda R. Carrico, Matteo M. Galizzi, Daphne Kaklamanou & David Uzzell - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Old English fant and its compounds in the Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary of Baptism.Christopher A. Jones - 2001 - Mediaeval Studies 63 (1):143-192.
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  34.  15
    Sloth: America’s Ironic Structural Vice.Christopher D. Jones & Conor M. Kelly - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):117-134.
    Individualism is a popular cultural trope in the United States, often touted for its promotion of industriousness and rejection of laziness. This essay argues that, ironically, America’s brand of individualism actually promotes a more fundamental form of the very vice it purports to oppose. To make this case, the essay defines the unique form of individualism in the United States and then retrieves the classical definition of sloth as a vice against charity, contrasting Aquinas and Barth with Weber to demonstrate (...)
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    A Prospective Study of the Impact of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on EEG Correlates of Somatosensory Perception.Danielle D. Sliva, Christopher J. Black, Paul Bowary, Uday Agrawal, Juan F. Santoyo, Noah S. Philip, Benjamin D. Greenberg, Christopher I. Moore & Stephanie R. Jones - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  36. Ethics and politics in the early Nishida: Reconsidering "zen no kenkyū".Christopher S. Jones - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (4):514-536.
    The early Nishida has conventionally been seen as an apolitical thinker, concerned primarily with religious philosophy. In itself this constitutes a political reading of Nishida's work, since it represents an attempt to distance (and thus "save") his wider philosophy from his dubious political practice during the 1930s and 1940s. However, a fresh reading of Nishida's debut, "Zen no kenkyū" (An inquiry into the good), reveals a distinctive political agenda and a sophisticated philosophy of political ethics. Counterintuitively, this essay suggests that (...)
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  37.  21
    Between Policy and Politics: When Bioethics Ventures into Public Debate.Jean–Christophe Bélisle Pipon, Marie–Ève Lemoine, Maude Laliberté & Bryn Williams–Jones - 2016 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 6 (1):3-6.
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    Narrative Symposium: Political Influence on Bioethical Deliberation.Jean–Christophe Bélisle Pipon, Marie–Ève Lemoine, Maude Laliberté, Bryn Williams–Jones, Dan Bustillos, Anonymous One, Anonymous Two, Ashley K. Fernandes, Anonymous Three, Thomas D. Harter, D. Micah Hester, Anonymous Four, Mary Faith Marshall, Philip M. Rosoff & Giles R. Scofield - 2016 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 6 (1):3-36.
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  39. Crime, wellbeing and society : reflections on social, 'anti-social' and 'restorative' capital.Christopher Jones - 2011 - In John R. Atherton, Elaine L. Graham & Ian Steedman (eds.), The practices of happiness: political economy, religion and wellbeing. New York: Routledge.
  40.  28
    Three Temples in Libanius and the Theodosian Code.Christopher P. Jones - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):860-865.
    In Libanius' speechFor the Temples(Or. 30), sometimes regarded as the crowning work of his career, he refers to an unnamed city in which a great pagan temple had recently been destroyed; the date of the speech is disputed, but must be in the 380 s or early 390 s, near the end of the speaker's life. After deploring the actions of a governor appointed by Theodosius, often identified with the praetorian prefect Maternus Cynegius, Libanius continues (30.44–5):Let no-one think that all (...)
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  41.  21
    Epigrams from Hierapolis and Aphrodisias.Christopher Jones - 1997 - Hermes 125 (2):203-214.
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  42.  23
    ‘Joint Sacrifice’ at Iasus and Side.Christopher P. Jones - 1998 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 118:183-186.
  43.  28
    The historian philostratus of athens.Christopher P. Jones - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (1):320-322.
  44.  18
    The Problem of Acedia in Eastern Orthodox Morality.Christopher D. Jones - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (3):336-351.
    Eastern Orthodox accounts of acedia are often neglected in Catholic and Protestant circles, yet offer a range of insights for contemporary virtue ethics and moral psychology. Acedia is a complex concept with shades of apathy, hate, and desire that poses grave problems for the moral life and human wellbeing. This is because acedia disorders reasoning, desiring, willing, and acting, and causes various harms to relationships. Evagrius Ponticus and John Cassian discuss acedia in the context of a virtue ethic ordered to (...)
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  45. What Contradiction? [K]anthropodicy and the Role of World Philosophies.Christopher Jones-Thompson - 2025 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (2).
    _In two parts, this review essay focuses on the question of contradiction between a universal ethic and its partial application. Following the presentation of Kant’s position the author’s key reframing arguments are discussed in relation to the globalizing eighteenth-century economy. A persistent problem of translation will conclude part one. Part two argues for a wider historical framework that includes the eighteenth century’s emancipatory theory and practice. The reviewer supports the author’s call for further teaching and research into the book’s themes._ (...)
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  46. Going to our happy place: Idealism, realism, and Nishida's eutopia: A response to Christian Uhl. [REVIEW]Christopher S. Goto-Jones - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):482-486.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Going to our Happy Place: Idealism, Realism, and Nishida's Eutopia: A Response to Christian UhlChristopher S. Goto-JonesWords can be tricky things; their significance is often found in unexpected places. The word 'utopia,' for example, is usually considered to have originated in the early sixteenth century in Louvain when Thomas More fused two Greek words (ou, 'not,' and topos, 'place'). The result was a new, Greek-sounding compound, utopia, translatable as (...)
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  47. Book Review: Craig A. Boyd, A Shared Morality: A Narrative Defense of Natural Law Ethics (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2007). 272 pp. £14.99/us$29 (pb), ISBN 978—1—587—43162—3. J. Daryl Charles, Retrieving the Natural Law: A Return to Moral First Things (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008). x + 346 pp. £22.99/us$34 (pb), ISBN 978—0—802—82594—0. [REVIEW]Christopher D. Jones - 2010 - Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (3):321-324.
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  48.  36
    Monastic Identity and Sodomitic Danger in the "Occupatio" by Odo of Cluny.Christopher A. Jones - 2007 - Speculum 82 (1):1-53.
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    The book of the liturgy in anglo-saxon England.Christopher A. Jones - 1998 - Speculum 73 (3):659-702.
    The book as a symbol of totality and logocentric order has become a familiar motif in histories of medieval culture. In recent years numerous studies have examined in detail not only how this “idea of the book” and its dependent metaphors rendered all experience “legible,” but also how the tasks of ensuring a correct “reading” devolved upon exegesis and commentary.
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    The Origins of the "Sarum" Chrism Mass at Eleventh-Century Christ Church, Canterbury.Christopher A. Jones - 2005 - Mediaeval Studies 67 (1):219-315.
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